About Us


Years of Experience

Even though our company JMW LLC has been established recently, our counsellors possess vast experience in the field, working for Japanese language schools, and having successfully applied for thousands of student visas for those who want to study Japanese in Japan. Therefore, since we have encountered numerous cases throughout our work, we will be able to help you choose the right option for you. We were once foreign students, and know what it's like to be one.


Always Striving For More

If you are planning to study Japanese in Japan, do not hesitate to contact us. We will give you full support finding the perfect school for you, preparing documents for student visa application, accommodation, providing information of setting a bank account, getting a phone number, etc. We want to offer you more than just counselling before coming to Japan; we want to be by your side through your stay and help you out with any difficulties you may encounter.

The direct translation of our brand name Yappa Nippon would be "after all Japan". In the future, when you look back, we would like you to feel "After all, Japan is what I wanted", "After all, I made the right decision to come to Japan", and we strive to provide you our best services so that you can have the feeling in the end.

Start Your Application Now!

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Duration of studies
3 months or less
More than 3 but less than 6 months
More than 6 months
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